In this picture you can see an example of what happens when miscommunication occurs due to the use of unclear gestures. When you are communicating it is important that your body language and mannerisms enhance what you are saying rather than detracting from it. Since such a large percentage of communication occurs non-verbally, being aware of what you are saying with your body, eyes, tone etc. is very important. In this cartoon the girl at the front of the class believes she is communicating one message (flower), but everyone in the class is decoding a different message from her actions. Imagine this happening when you make a gesture as you deliver a sermon or speech to a large group of people! Gestures are an important part of communication and shouldn't be completely abandoned, but sensitivity to the nature of the message they are communicating is imperative lest you become like this poor girl!
The following is a short movie that depicts another example of miscommunication. This time the misunderstanding occurs because of a language barrier. This is a humorous example of misunderstanding but sometimes misunderstandings can be very serious problems. If you are desiring to communicate clearly, it is important that you enunciate your words well so that everyone can understand you!
This is another short video showing a humorous account of an attempt to communicate clearly that isn't going very well! Again, the importance of clear speech is emphasized.
This is a final cartoon to drive the point home of the importance of clear communication. Think back to the communication DNA model from the previous post and keep in mind all of the aspects of communication that must be kept in mind in order for communication to be effective.

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