Friday, December 8, 2006

The Benefit of Communication to Relationships

Healthy communication is an integral part of any and all relationships. Without communication, relationships suffer and eventually wither away. Whether it is in a marriage or with family, friends, or coworkers, healthy communication patters allow for growth and strength in relationships.

Communication in relationships generally needs to go two ways, meaning that both participants in a relationship must be willing participants in communication. If this mutual communication occurs, it is definitely a benefit to the relationship. Communication allows both individuals to express their needs and wants in an environment where they are confident that they will be heard. Communication also allows for healthy conflict resolution to take place so that any issues that may arise can be resolved.

Communication is a powerful way for people to express their love and affection towards one another. Words of praise and encouragement or the non-verbal communication that comes from a pat on the back or the wink of an eye does wonders to make people feel special and wanted.

The whole area of creative communication is important in relationships too. Individuals should always be seeking out creative ways to communicate with the people they are in relationships with. This brings vibrancy to relationships.

Marriages especially benefit from healthy communication. The cartoon at the beginning of this post pokes fun at this vein of communication, but it is very important. For more information about communication in marriage relationships I would recommend reading the article found at or many other articles and resources that are available on the Internet.

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